The 2024 Oscars had its fair share of surprises, with none other than John Cena stealing the spotlight during the award for best costume design. In a shocking moment that left the audience in stitches, Cena appeared on stage wearing nothing but Birkenstocks, a strategically held oversized envelope protecting his modesty. However, it turns out Cena’s apparent daring move was all in good fun and a nod to a memorable Oscars incident from 1974.
The Protective Garment:
While the “Fast X” star appeared fully naked on stage, backstage photos unveiled the secret behind Cena’s risqué act. He was, in fact, donning a beige-colored protective garment that resembled a piece of underwear, covering both the front and back. The cleverly disguised garment ensured Cena’s sense of humor didn’t lead to any unintentional surprises for the audience.
A Nostalgic Nod to Oscars History:
Cena’s naked appearance wasn’t just for shock value; it was a homage to a historic Oscars moment. In 1974, a naked man ran behind host David Niven during the award ceremony, creating an unforgettable moment in Hollywood history. Cena’s playful reference to this incident added a touch of nostalgia to the star-studded event.
Jimmy Kimmel’s Commentary:
This year’s host, Jimmy Kimmel, couldn’t help but comment on Cena’s bold move. “Can you imagine if a nude man ran across the stage today? Wouldn’t that be crazy?” Kimmel joked as Cena peeked out from behind a stage prop. However, Cena had second thoughts about the streaker bit and expressed reservations about its appropriateness for such an elegant event.
Cena’s Change of Heart:
“I changed my mind. I don’t want to do the streaker bit,” Cena confessed to Kimmel, showcasing a surprising shift in his willingness to push the boundaries. “I just don’t feel right about it. It’s an elegant event, you know. Honestly, you should feel ashamed right now for suggesting such a tasteless idea.” Cena’s decision highlighted a sense of respect for the prestigious nature of the Oscars, even in the midst of playful antics.
Kimmel’s Quick Thinking:
As Cena struggled to lift the envelope to announce the winner, Kimmel stepped in with a creative solution. The host transformed Cena’s wardrobe malfunction into a lighthearted moment by dressing him in a makeshift toga. The impromptu fashion choice added an element of humor to the ceremony, demonstrating Kimmel’s quick thinking and ability to turn unexpected situations into entertainment.
John Cena’s appearance at the 2024 Oscars will undoubtedly be remembered as one of the most amusing moments in the history of the prestigious awards ceremony. His playful tribute to a past Oscars incident, combined with Jimmy Kimmel’s witty commentary and on-the-spot creativity, added a delightful touch to an evening dedicated to celebrating the best in the film industry. In the end, Cena’s unexpected antics served as a reminder that even in the world of glamour and elegance, there’s always room for a good laugh.